5 years & 2.5 months, having every sort of abuse thrown at me, being verbally and physically abused, betrayed by my local MP Alex Greenwich , NCAT success followed by NCAT Appeal overturn and adverse cost orders against me. My character dragged through the mud and defamed on pure lies.
Politicians sitting on the fence, E-petition with 12561 signatures, successfully organising an amendment in the Upper House only to have a Political campaign against it. Losing faith in what is fair & ethical.
22 years of the Horizon encouraging people to breach a by-law because it’s easier to control, encourage preferential treatment of certain people to have pets and then litigate against me for asking to change the bylaw and saying enough of the duplicity. To launch a hate campaign against me instead of demonstrating some emotional intelligence and compassion.
I am beyond thrilled that the Court of Appeal today found that a Blanket Ban on Pets is Harsh, Unconscionable & Oppressive.
To all the beloved pets of NSW, you are safe, loved and have many homes now.